Recommendation 1
The Department of Corrective Services and the Department of the Attorney General commission comprehensive research into the factors driving the recent upward trend in remand numbers and identify whether any changes in law, policy or practice are desirable.
Recommendation 2
The Department of Corrective Services work with the courts and the Department of the Attorney General to develop agreed protocols and procedures to ensure accurate legal documentation, timely communication (including the use of more efficient modern communication tools) and improved liaison channels.
Recommendation 3
The Department of Corrective Services, with input and support from the Department of the Attorney General, judicial officers and the legal profession, develop improved facilities at Hakea Prison for video links to courts, including more video link facilities, adequate waiting areas, more options for the separation of prisoners, and improved safety, security and supervision.
Recommendation 4
The Department of Corrective Services, in consultation with the Department of the Attorney General, judicial officers and other stakeholders:
(i) Develop policies which clearly articulate the legal entitlements and needs of remand prisoners;
(ii) Implement strategies and practices to give effect to those policies at all of the state’s prisons and detention centres; and
(iii) Ensure that the policies, strategies and practices which are adopted meet the obligations and legitimate expectations of modern legal practice and maximise the opportunities presented by modern technology.
Recommendation 5
(i) Improve senior management visibility in the prison; and
(ii) Improve communication and engagement between head office and the prison and between all groups of local management and staff.
Recommendation 6
Drawing on the Department’s strategic plan and the expertise of Hakea management and staff:
(i) Develop a specific charter for the prison addressing its vision, roles, culture and values; and
(ii) Develop business plans and local procedures to embed the charter and provide appropriate change management programs and supports.
Recommendation 7
Open Units 11 and 12 as soon as possible. Articulate the role of these units in better meeting the needs and challenges posed by Hakea’s diverse prisoner group, and develop the regimes for each unit accordingly.
Recommendation 8
Remove the blanket ban on personal computers and develop a policy that, taking into account security concerns and best practice, provides access in accordance with prisoners’ reintegration, legal and educational needs.
Recommendation 9
Review gate house procedures, practices and resources to reduce the risks of contraband or unauthorised items entering or leaving the prison.
Recommendation 10
Ensure clear and comprehensive documentation is maintained with respect to:
(i) The reasons why prisoners are placed into Unit 1; and
(ii) The exact regime under which each prisoner is being held.
Recommendation 11
Ensure that peer support prisoners, prison support officers, members of the Aboriginal Visitors Scheme and Independent Visitors have regular and routine access to Unit 1 and that records of such access are maintained.
Recommendation 12
Ensure that appropriate medical supervision is incorporated into standard operating procedures with respect to the use of the restraints bed in order to reduce the risks of medical emergencies.
Recommendation 13
Construct a purpose-built, standalone Management Unit or substantially modify an existing unit to reduce risk and to meet established need.
Recommendation 14
Improve dynamic security by increasing staff patrols and promoting stronger and more positive staff-prisoner interactions.
Recommendation 15
Increase staff numbers in the Hakea health centre (both medical and administrative) in order to improve service delivery and promote continuous improvement.
Recommendation 16
Provide additional addictions group places and throughcare counselling for remandees.
Recommendation 17
Provide the nicotine replacement therapies and QUIT groups required to support the implementation of the smoking reduction policy, as originally intended.
Recommendation 18
Hakea management support and promote the initiative to extend the food safety program to the accommodation units to help control pest infestation.
Recommendation 19
In order to minimise the spread of blood-borne viruses and the risks of infectious disease transmission, implement improvements with respect to:
(i) The monitoring and enforcement of hygiene and infection control practices;
(ii) Immunisation screening and programs;
(iii) Harm minimisation strategies including the provision of bleach or other cleaning agents; and
(iv) Education about health and hygiene.
Recommendation 20
Actively promote and actually utilise Skype or other similar technologies to enable social contact, both as an alternative and as an addition to personal visits.
Recommendation 21
Improve recreation opportunities at Hakea by providing better facilities (especially the gymnasium and oval maintenance) and by ensuring that sufficient recreation officers are on duty.
Recommendation 22
Review the provision of mental health services at Hakea Prison with a view to improving service delivery. This should include:
(i) A placement option which provides a mid-way point between the Crisis Care Unit (CCU) and mainstream placement for those prisoners who need longer term mental health care or who need a staged transition out of the CCU;
(ii) Improved staffing levels; and,
(iii) Better integration of the Prisoner Counselling Services.
Recommendation 23
The Department of Corrective Services work in collaboration with other departments and agencies to drive comprehensive systemic reforms to mental health services for prisoners and juvenile detainees. This should focus not only on achievable outcomes within the state’s correctional facilities but also on more options for acutely unwell prisoners to reside in designated forensic mental health facilities.
Recommendation 24
Improve the processes and systems for identifying ‘out of country’ prisoners at Hakea and other prisons, and for meeting their needs.
Recommendation 25
Reinvigorate the Prison Aboriginal Services Committee at Hakea Prison and use this committee to assist in developing improved strategies for the management of Aboriginal prisoners and better coordination of services.
Recommendation 26
Ensure that the policy relating to the management and treatment of foreign national and culturally and linguistically diverse prisoners is finalised and implemented within six months.