Roebourne Regional Prison is Western Australia’s most frequently inspected prison, this being the sixth inspection. There had been considerable change before the inspection. The previous inspection had recommended that DCS consider constructing a minimum-security area outside the current perimeter fence to help relieve overcrowding as well as facilitating prisoner involvement in community work and employment focused …
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Roebourne Regional Prison (‘Roebourne’) has always been a source of concern to the Office of the Inspector of Custodial Services. Inspection reports over the years identified numerous problems which included: fragile staffing arrangements, poor prison infrastructure, and the dehumanising effects of overcrowding and inadequate climate control. Improvements were noted during the 2010 inspections in areas relating to custodial …
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Areas that had improved or remained strong included: Funding was secured in 2011 to construct a Town Work Camp at the front of RRP and to operate it for three years. This should open in early 2014 and will hopefully provide excellent opportunities for minimum security prisoners to engage in training and work to benefit …
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Review orientation processes for both male and female prisoners to ensure that orientation is consistent, comprehensive and effective. Conclude the audit and remediation of substandard bunk beds at Roebourne Regional Prison without further delay. Renovate cells including replacement of warped shutters, cell doors, shelving, noticeboards and linoleum where required, and repaint all surfaces and provide …
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